Becoming a Ski Instructor

4 and a half years ago, when I set off on my journey to become a Ski Instructor I would never have dreamed that it would come full circle…

… Fast forward through 9 back-to back winters spent around the world; in Canada, Japan, and Australia, and you will find it is now up to me to show others the way into that same line of “work” (that’s me with my group of new instructors at the top of the page). While I use the term work, anybody who does a job that they love will agree that the saying rings true.

“Find a job you love and you will never work a day in your life” – A wise man, once


The goal was simple: Find a way to be able to ski every day.

School was soon to come to an end, and I was under the pressure that any English 17 year old, working on their A levels is exposed to, the big question “What will you do next?” The fact is that I had no idea, all that was certain was that I certainly couldn’t make up my mind.

Above all, I wanted to travel and I knew from my limited ski experiences that I needed to pursue the sport that I was infatuated with a little more.

Voilà, I chose that simple goal and the rest is history. I will be releasing future posts on how I went about it, but I would like to share a post from one of the students on my last course and the path they took into this wonderful “job”.

What I learned in ski school

If only they asked us in school… ” What would you do tomorrow if money was no issue?” …because I know that I would have told them I want to be here!

Back for another day in the office

4 thoughts on “Becoming a Ski Instructor

    1. 😀 I learned what conditions to expect in Australia the hard way. That said, the Aussie mountains are like no where else on a good day!


      1. Yeah, on a good day – the rest of the time there isn’t enough snow to build a decent-sized Snowman. Plenty of rocks though.
        Skiing in New Zealand is better.


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